Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fear vs Time and Inclination

I've been missing in action over the past couple of days. Time has been getting the better of me. It often happens when I start work at 6am. I come home exhusted, but still have the whole tea, bath, bed night routine going on.

Anyway, an opportunity presented itself to me earlier in the week that initally had me explaining I didn't have the time. Which for the most part is true. But my main objection was around fear. Clearly you've worked out I love baking cakes. And from all reports, I'm pretty good and they taste good. I'd love, love, love to make cakes for weddings, special occasions, etc. I've been asked a couple of times before but have declined. I'm so scared of people thinking they're no good and the ruining their event, I've not even tried. The pressure of getting it right paralyises me.

I pushed through that fear this week. After initally mentioning I was so pressed for time and would be unable to help this poor bride, I reconsidered. So, with so many other tasks on my to do list, I took on the challenge of accepting making a wedding cupcake tower, 3 days BEFORE the actual wedding! Yes, my head is spinning. I'm also very excited the nervous energy. I really want the bride to be thrilled with my work. Mind you, she is already. Before I took it on, she was planning to bake and ice the whole thing herself. That was the part that made me reconsider.

So I have the time? Probably not. Since they're cupcakes, they need to be made as close to the event time to be fresh. I work from 10am to 9pm on the Friday night and the wedding is at 11am Sat morning, and have to get the cakes to the reception to be set up at 9am. So you all know what I'll be doing at about midnight Friday night..haha. Do I have the bet! Do I have the bet! But, if I never try, I'll always wonder.

After I got home from work last night ( about 10pm) I made a very quick trial so I could show the bride a mock-up over facebook. How good is technology that I can create something, and allow someone far away to see it instantly!

Here's a sneak peek, just envisage about another 50!


  1. They look great! I think fear gets in the way for a lot of people (I know it does for me). Good on you for taking on the challenge. Make sure you take a photo of them all finished to show us :)

  2. Wow, you are one talented lady!! Please show us a pic of the finished article, and tell us how it went. I'm sure the bride was over the moon.
